Assist Professor, Functional Genomics
Assistant Professor, tenure-track position (9 months) in research and teaching to begin fall 2015. The appointment is in the Department of Animal Science, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences (CFANS). The successful candidate will utilize molecular approaches to study gene function and consequences on phenotype in food producing animals. The candidate is expected to be involved in teaching appropriate undergraduate courses as well as a graduate level course in the candidate’s area of expertise, and to recruit and mentor graduate students.
A Ph.D. or equivalent degree in animal science, molecular biology, genomics or a related field.
Demonstrated ability to conduct research related to functional genomics.
Postdoctoral research experience.
Publication record in peer reviewed scientific journals.
Evidence of experience in grant writing.
Evidence of teaching experience and or teaching training at the undergraduate level as part of the candidate’s graduate program.
Strong written communication skills.
明尼苏达大学双城分校(University of Minnesota, Twin Cities,简称U of M)成立于1851年,是一所位于美国明尼苏达州双城区(即明尼阿波利斯及圣保罗)的著名公立大学,是明尼苏达大学系统的旗舰学校,也是其历史最悠久、规模最大、最负盛名的分校。按学生人数计为美国第六大的学校,2012-2013年度学生规模为51,853人。明尼苏达大学也是公立常春藤之一,同时也是美国大学协会以及美国中西部体育赛事联盟十大盟校(Big Ten)的成员。在众多出版物、期刊报道中,人们所称的明尼苏达大学通常是指明尼苏达大学双城分校,而不是包含五所分校(包括双城分校)的明尼苏达大学系统。